To say that 2020 was a difficult year is probably the understatement of the year. In fact, it seemed foolish for so many to be celebratory on NYE as many of the same problems that plagued our society will no doubt be carried over to the new year. Upon further reflection, it was hope that made so many celebrate albeit much differently than in passed years. However, at the end of the day, all we have is hope and faith that we will be able to not only survive, but thrive.
One way our celebrations this year was different was the stressful tradition of resolutions. In the couple of months leading up to 2021, many suggested focusing on goals or intentions. According to Psychology Today there are four main reasons why resolutions fail: goals are not clear enough, you feel discouraged or overwhelmed and you simply are not ready for change. This year in particular the feeling of being overwhelmed resonates. There is no reason to do anything in this new year that will cause any undo stress. Instead, we have gathered a list of things that you could try to do if you so desired. The added bonus, we have assigned these activities according to your sign. No pressure. They can each be modified according to your ability, level of interest, and finances.
Get active. Ever the energetic enthusiast/competitor, the Aries should harness that energy to something physically productive. Aries is located in the body quadrant, so the best outlet is to get moving whatever way you can, whether it is taking a small walk or starting a total body fitness routine.

Try a new recipe. Ruled by Venus, Taureans have a knack for making things beautiful. They can harness their natural ability to make any environment feel just like home. Utilize the natural homebody state and transform ingredients that you have available to concoct a new delicious and aesthetically pleasing recipe.

Learn something new. In the year 2021, Gemini is putting into practice all the things they have been studying during the lockdown. Students by nature, Gemini have been plowing through to keep their minds as sharp as their tongue. Sink both sets of teeth into that hobby that has attracted you.

Make a donation. No one knows how important the basic necessities are then the home ruled Cancer. Many are in need during these difficult times and Cancer is ready to bring comfort and joy. Lucky number four can be translated to the stability of the box shape- filled to the brim with items for those in needs to fully represent the generous nature of the Cancer.

Support a local business. Nobody quite understands community like the lions. In this case, “pride” has a double meaning. Both the pack of which they run and having the utmost respect for the community. Having an astute eye for the finer things, the Leos can see the value of creative local businesses and the need to lend support.

Switch to something eco-friendly in the home i.e. LED bulbs. Everything has its place in the home of a Virgo. Conscientious of how their space affects themselves and others, this practical change is exactly the type of service they can do to benefits others. Virgoes are as bright as the lightbulb they are changing. Always one step ahead of the curve, this effortless change will make a world a difference.

Embrace meditation. The social unjust of today’s world can weigh on the soul of the Libra. With more and more examples of turbulence, Libra needs to do what they do best and seek balance. The most stability is found from within, finding solace in medication or reflection is exactly what Libras need to keep their best talent, their mind, at ease.

Donate blood. A fixed water sign, there is nothing as transformative as blood, which is also a fixed liquid. Scorpios prepare for the worst and recognize the best defense just like their protective scorpion shell. Known for their inner strength offer a humble gift, a seemingly small sacrifice that happens to be life changing.

Enjoy nature. The eternal teacher. Being indoors is stifling for the freedom loving adventurer. Sometimes you can find beauty in the nature of your surroundings the way a professor might leave the confines of the classroom to teach outdoors. During this time when large adventures are not possible, find the beauty right outside and embrace the philosopher you are.

Start a side hustle. It is no coincidence that Capricorn season coincides with the new year resolution season. The worker bees of the Zodiac can predict trends and then utilize their cardinal modality inclination to increase profits. Finally putting their ground work into motion and not encumbered by feeling overwhelmed, Capricorns can achieve all of their goals and then some.

Adopt a pet. It is the age of the Aquarius where humanitarianism is in and oppression is out. The water bearer can be put to good use and literally feed and nurture pets. Despite being humanitarians, these rebellious thinkers are prone to isolation. When human beings just are not cutting it, find yourself something better by becoming a forever home.

Write a letter to your local government. The wise elders of the group that know that change comes from both small acts of kindness and grand steps. The fish can weather the storm. Trust the Pisceans to care for the now and future generations. Leave it to the poets, artists, and creators of this world with their sage powers to sway those in power.