Roses have many health benefits and have been a staple ingredient in skincare products for many years. Rose toners contain antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and hydrating properties making it the perfect product for all year round. Surprisingly, it is incredibly simple to create your own beauty potion or rose toner. Sugarpeel utilized the beautifully fragrant organic dried rose petals from herb pharmacy in Marseille, Le Père Blaize. Read the full article featuring our eco travels to the south of France here.

What you will need:
1/4 cup dried roses (edible grade)
1 and 1/2 cups fresh water
2 dark colored bottles with pump (blue or brown)

How to:
Add roses and water to saucepan and bring to a boil with lid. Once the water is boiled, reduce temperature to a simmer for 5-7 minutes until the color drains from the roses. Remove from the heat and with the lid on, allow the mixture to cool. Sift through a strainer and pour into clean bottles. Place the bottles in the refrigerator. Toner can last up to a year, but six months is preferred.