Imagine not having electricity, running water or a means to get food or basic necessities. This is the reality for most of the Diné people of the Navajo Nation, an injustice prior to a pandemic is now a dire and unimaginable situation.
The Navajo Nation is situated on over 27,000 square miles of land that extends into the states of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. A staggering 43% of the population lives below the poverty line with a median income of a mere $20,000 a year. The underdeveloped land and lack of infrastructure is a major disadvantage towards building the economy. About 10% of Navajos on the reservation live without electricity, and as much as 40% have to haul their water and utilize outhouses. On the Navajo Nation, the homes are so spread out that it costs an average of $40,000 to connect just one home to the grid.
Then Covid-19 hit. Without the basic necessities or the support and slow response from the government, the Navajo Nation has been hit hard by the outbreak. In fact, the pitiful reality is the Navajo Nation has the highest per-capita infection rate after New York and New Jersey, minus the resources! Over 3,000 confirmed cases and 100 deaths and continuing to spread.

The $2-trillion stimulus package under the CARES ACT includes $8 billion for Native American tribes. However, the Diné and Native American people have yet to receive any funding from the government as of May 11th! Covid-19 has exacerbated the conditions for the people living on the reservation, which sell native art through flea markets, which are no longer safe during social distancing.

Here’s where you can help. Amy Yeung, member of the Diné tribe and founder of Orenda Tribe, a reimagined vintage and upcycled textile clothing brand has created an online auction, Spread Love + Shine Light where 100% of the proceeds go to the critical aid that the Diné community so desperately need.

Orenda Tribe also provides an ecommerce platform for native artists, which receive 100% of the sale. Amy has partnered with Seeding Sovereignty, a nonprofit organization that developed the rapid response fund, Indigenous Impact Rapid Response Initiative. Click here to learn how and what you can donate. Since the reservations are on complete lockdown and therefore unable to travel for food and necessities, your donation is crucial. Water, non perishables, non GMO, organic foods are being donated with the funds to provide healing foods for those sick and those to fight this virus.
The staff at The Tohaali Community School in New Mexico are delivering 180 lunches each day to students! Your donation to this incredible staff working on the front lines will go to those in need the most- You can send direct donations to Tohaali Community School PO Box 9857 Newcomb, NM 87455 with Attn: Delores Bitsilly. Donations can include but are not limited to masks, vitamins, gloves, hand sanitzer, soaps.
For any questions on ways to support or donate, please email Amy at All contributions help! There is a long road to recovery, the Covid-19 peak is approaching in the next couple of weeks, this is a long term crisis and your donation makes a difference! Follow @orendatribe on instagram for updates!
Sources: The Guardian, azcentral, The Navajo Nation, Dressed: The History of Fashion.