April is the annual stress awareness month and this year with the COVID-19 outbreak, stress can be at an all time high. Stress can play a major role in your life and can be brought on by a number of reasons including work and relationships. For many of us, this is the first type of “shelter in place” that we have experienced. These are unprecedented times and therefore navigating during uncertainty and dangerous terrain may amp up stress related symptoms. Headaches, neck pain, nausea, increased heart rate and blood pressure and anxiety are the “small” symptoms. However, stress has been linked to illnesses that include cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents, suicide, and cirrhosis of the liver, making it impossible to ignore.
Managing stress is certainly easier said than done for many of us. We need practical tips and suggestions on how to stay calm and reduce the stress in our mind and body. Meditation, although challenging and requires practice has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and alleviate physical ailments.
A wise friend and counselor recommended the renowned Jon Kabat-Zinn to me. She shared with me that meditation has been proven to change brain function and structure. Jon is a Ph.D. and internationally known for his work as a scientist, writer, and meditation teacher engaged in bringing mindfulness into the mainstream of medicine and society. He also founded Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Clinic in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society in 1995.
Meditation takes practice as mentioned above. Jon Kabat-Zinn is a calming guide with a soothing voice, focused on breathing and not paying attention to thoughts. Below is a helpful video for beginners interested in learning more about the benefits of mindfulness as well as meditation techniques. Or try a 10 minute guided meditation to increase calmness and relaxation and decrease anxious thoughts.
On these beautiful sunny spring days, enjoy the guided meditation outdoors. Soak up a little Vitamin D while relaxing and quieting the stressful thoughts and fears that you might be experiencing throughout the day. For those of you that are Christian, the rosary is a form of meditation and during this pandemic time, prayer is needed and mentally helpful. *Please be sure to wear your mask if outside.