Since 2010, the famous Marius Fabre soap factory has been run by Marie and Julie Bousquet-Fabre, great granddaughters of namesake and Founder, Marius. Today, Marie handles the administrative and legal aspects and export activities, while Julie is in charge of manufacturing, sales, and communications.
The process for making the original soap of Marseille is steeped in tradition and staunchly maintained over the span of 110 years throughout every generation. Vegetable oil and soda is baked in a cauldron for ten days, rinsed multiple times with salt and water to remove impurities, poured into moulds, cut into the famous block shape, and stamped. A total of 14 days from start to finish is needed for the product. The stamp is an important reminder of the authenticity of the product as there are many imposters in the Provence region.

The 100% vegetable based soap is considered extra pure, void of all petroleum, phosphates, and artificial ingredients making it the perfect body care for babies and those suffering from skin ailments. The bars are incredibly long lasting and can be left uncovered without drying out. Packaging is eco-friendly and made from recycled materials.

My tour last summer of the factory was quite the experience, as if stepping back in time to a place where good, quality ingredients mattered much more than any toxin filled commodity of many brands today. Although my favorite part was entering the gift shop where rows and rows of shelves displayed bars of all sizes, hair, and body care products all containing the same natural ingredients. Marius Fabre also offers natural detergent alternatives in liquid and bar form, made from the same 100% vegetable oil ingredients for four generations. The clothes soap is also safe for baby clothes as well as those suffering from allergies with its hypoallergenic formula. Since the average household washes approximately 600 loads per year, it is important to seek environmentally friendly options such as the biodegradable Marius Fabre products.

Marius Fabre was one of the features included in the fall Eco Travel Guide of Deliberately Considerate for their sustainability. As we day dream about a time, hopefully in the near future that we can travel freely and safely, reminiscing on these travel adventures is an excellent way to stay focused on happier times to come.
Marie and Julie Bousquet-Fabre are determined to carry on the traditions of their beloved factory- one that is cherished not only in Marseille but around the world. At this time, Marius Fabre is only shipping to the UK, but those located in the US can purchase the products on Amazon.